Friday, November 13, 2009

Rebecca Arnold, Research Blog: Etc

Well here we are, another Thursday blog!

I've been brainstorming for my shoot this weekend. I've kind of let myself meditate on other means of Escapism that might be interesting to capture.

My kitchen window is large (taller than I am) and covered on the outside with ivy and other plants. There's a shutter propped open on the inside with a large fake sunflower in a vase on the sill. This window is truly romantic and whimsical and I'd love to use it in one of my photos. I've taken my camera and found an interesting composition in there, but I will have to test what I want to do with it before I get too excited.

I've also been thinking about Escapism in Alice in Wonderland. Falling into a hole into a new world is what I've been waiting for my whole life, so I want to re-watch the Disney version (the new one needs to come out!). I would love to utilize that idea.

Books, too. Books are important to me. Stories, fables, fiction, nonfiction - it's all great. I attempted a shot with some books in it a few shoots ago but it just wasn't very strong. I have a few loose ideas of what I'm going to try next but if it doesn't work either, I'll just move to something else. I have no time for failure!

That's about it for now. More on Sunday. :)

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