Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rebecca Arnold, Research Blog: Moving On

Nothing terribly new here. I have not yet rented Dial M for Murder, so that's an issue, but I have another week until I show Jeff the stills, so I'll be watching it this weekend.

Niki gave me some good ideas through her 20th Century Pop Culture class blog from last semester, but I can't read any of the posts because it's for invited guests I'll ask her today if I can access that information another way. She mentioned the class was pretty much dedicated to older films and novels in the early to mid 1900s, so that's perfect. I can't wait to get some insight there. I also want to look into the movies The Maltese Falcon and/or The Big Sleep.

I'm really hoping I'll get some good information here. I just feel like my process to get a good photograph is so unbelievably long and exhausting. My biggest issue is definitely the set up - the wardrobe, the setting, etc. But when I get there, I know what I want to do. My aesthetics are there, but my ideas are still wavering. I'll have a lot more to update on Sunday, that's for sure.

Boring blog, today! Sorry. I'm allowed one, right?

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