Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rebecca Arnold, Research Blog: Evolving Ideas

Because I had my meeting with Tom yesterday, I feel much more confident about my original idea. I don't exactly have a definitive plan, but my ideas are evolving.

After doing a rough google search on "Short Story Telling" I came up with some good websites on the structure of stories and the elements they include: ex. character, setting, problem, resolution. I've also had the opportunity to chat with my oldest sister (she's a writer) and I got some good input about where I should start.

I think if I start writing my own stories, it could get lengthy and involved, but I'd rather do that than just simply copy from another author's short story. I'll be starting with a few outlines, and go from there. I plan to create 3-4 stories for right now. Whether one photograph will be one story or 3 photographs will be one story, I'm not sure.

While looking through some of Cindy Sherman's photos (via her website) I got a nice pang of jealousy. I've looked at her work before, but now I'm inspired and envious. Film stills are my starting point, but more explanatory than that.

So far I think I have a good start and some good, basic information on the type of work I'm looking forward to doing.

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