Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rebecca Arnold, Artist Blog: Teun Hocks

Well, because things are really coming together, I'm on the final round of narrowing my idea. In my meeting with Jeff, he decided that I need to find a way to have my images relate or influence contemporary. When I posted my meeting blog I was concerned about how I was to do this, but I got a response from John Cameron who suggested using humor as a way to relate it to today. He gave me an artist to research: Teun Hocks.

After reading an interview with Hocks, I've found he is much like myself. Even though he is a Dutch, middle-aged man, we are quite alike. He uses himself to play a character, who he says does not represent himself, caught in different absurd situations. Hey, that sounds like what I did last semester. However, Hocks has been doing this for nearly 40 years.

Working in large-scale, Teun Hocks hand paints his photographs that have a film-still-esque quality to them. He is focused on having the audience relate to his character in their circumstances. "...I wanted to take the idea of looking at art literally, so that you really want to get in—and to feel it." - Teun Hocks.

The similarities continue: Teun Hocks likes to work by himself, knowing all the elements he wants and how he wants them done. He also works by starting with sketches, to get his half-ideas into whole ideas. He says, "I have to draw to think." I work in a similar manner, except my sketches look terrible, and absolutely nothing like his. I mean, look at this example below.

Drawing for Untitled Untitled

Hocks really helps reassure me that what I'm working on isn't totally un-relatable or bogus. I think the infusion of humor would be a great quality to push for my work this year, as humor has gotten smarter and more important in modern day life. This work is great and encourages Escapism, which is what I'm working with. There are more of his photos below:

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